AbstractByteBufferAllocator | |
AbstractDirectMemoryExchange<V> | |
AbstractDirectMemoryHttpClient | |
AbstractMemoryBuffer | |
AbstractMemoryManager<V> | |
AbstractSerializerTest | A kind of tck test for serializer. |
AllocationPolicy | Interface describing the buffer allocation policy. |
Allocator | Interface defining interaction with MemoryBuffer |
AsyncHttpClientDirectMemoryHttpClient |
ByteOrderUtils |
Cache | |
CacheService<K, V> | |
CacheServiceImpl<K, V> | |
CacheValuesIterable<K, V> | A simple Iterable over CacheService 's values
Configuration | Provides a global single point of access to all singleton properties comprehensible to DirectMemory. |
ConfigurationService | |
ContentTypeHandler |
DefaultConfiguration | |
DefaultDirectMemoryClient | |
DirectByteBufferUtils | Utility class around direct ByteBuffer |
DirectMemory<K, V> | |
DirectMemoryCache<K, V> | |
DirectMemoryClient | |
DirectMemoryClientBuilder | |
DirectMemoryClientConfiguration | |
DirectMemoryConstants | |
DirectMemoryDeleteHandler | |
DirectMemoryException | |
DirectMemoryGetHandler | |
DirectMemoryHttpClient | |
DirectMemoryHttpConstants | |
DirectMemoryParser | |
DirectMemoryPutHandler | |
DirectMemoryRequest<V> | json format request: {"DirectMemoryRQ":{"key":"101","put":true,"expiresIn":123, "cacheContent":""}} cache content is byte[] ie object serialisation |
DirectMemoryResponse<V> | json format response: {"DirectMemoryRS":{"found":true,"updated":false,"key":"foo","cacheContent":""}} cache content is byte[] ie object serialisation |
DirectMemoryServlet | TODO add some listener plugin mechanism to store figures/statistics on cache access |
DirectMemoryStore | |
DirectMemoryWriter |
EnterpriseFeaturesManager | Class name is hardcoded in ehcache so we need this one!! |
Every | |
ExchangeType | |
Expires |
FixedSizeByteBufferAllocatorImpl | Allocator implementation that instantiate ByteBuffers of fixed size, called slices. |
FixedSizeUnsafeAllocator | |
For | |
ForwardingListener<K, V> | Listener which forwards the notifications to a delegate. |
Heap | |
HttpClientDirectMemoryHttpClient |
IllegalMemoryPointerException | |
In | |
Int32Compressor | |
Int64Compressor |
JavaSerializedContentTypeHandler | |
JsonContentTypeHandler |
KryoSerializer | |
KryoSerializer.KryoPool |
LazyUnsafeAllocator |
Memory | |
MemoryBuffer | |
MemoryManager | |
MemoryManagerService<V> | |
MemoryManagerServiceImpl<V> | |
MergingByteBufferAllocator | Allocator implementation with ByteBuffer merging capabilities. |
MessagePackSerializer | |
Monitor | |
MonitorService | |
MonitorServiceImpl | |
MutableCacheService<K, V> |
NonStrictCacheValuesIterator<K, V> | The relaxed iterator, it guarantees that if hasNext() returns true, the subsequent calling next() always returns a value. |
NotifyingDirectMemoryStore |
OffHeapCache<K, V> | |
OffHeapStore | This class is simply a connector class into the EHCache for OffHeap. |
Pointer<T> | |
PointerImpl<T> | |
ProtobufSerializer | |
ProtoStuffSerializerV1 | |
ProtoStuffWithLinkedBufferSerializer |
Ram | |
ReadableMemoryBuffer | |
RoundRobinAllocationPolicy | Round Robin allocation policy. |
Serializer | All implementations must be thread-safe |
SerializerFactory | |
SerializerNotFoundException | |
SimplePropertiesConfiguration | |
Sizing | |
SlabByteBufferAllocator | Allocator implementation that uses FixedSizeByteBufferAllocatorImpl
of different size to allocate best matching's size ByteBuffer |
SolrOffHeapCache<K, V> | A SolrCache based on Apache DirectMemory |
Space | |
StandardSerializer | |
StrictCacheValuesIterator<K, V> |
TextPlainContentTypeHandler |
UnicodeUtil | Class to encode java's UTF16 char[] into UTF8 byte[] without always allocating a new byte[] as String.getBytes("UTF-8") does. |
UnsafeMemoryManagerServiceImpl<V> | |
UnsafeUtils |
Wine | |
WritableMemoryBuffer |
YamlConfiguration |