2015/07/26 - Apache DirectMemory has been retired.

For more information, please explore the Attic.

Apache DirectMemory release process

  1. Post to the dev list a few days before you plan to do a release
  2. Your maven setting must contains the entry to be able to deploy.


  3. Release You should have a GPG agent running in the session you will run the maven release commands(preferred), and confirm it works by running "gpg -ab" (type some text and press Ctrl-D). If you do not have a GPG agent running, make sure that you have the "apache-release" profile set in your settings.xml as shown below.

    Run the release

    mvn release:prepare release:perform -B

    GPG configuration in maven settings xml:

  4. go to https://repository.apache.org and close your staged repository. Note the repository url (format https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachedirectmemory-028)
    svn co https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/directmemory directmemory-dev-release
    cd directmemory-dev-release
    sh ./release-script-svn.sh version stagingRepoUrl
    then svn add <new directory created with new version as name>
    then svn ci 
  5. Validating the release
      * Download sources, extract, build and run tests - mvn clean package
      * Verify license headers - mvn -Prat -DskipTests
      * Download binaries and .asc files
      * Download release manager's public key - From the KEYS file, get the release manager's public key finger print and run  gpg --keyserver pgpkeys.mit.edu --recv-key <key>
      * Validate authenticity of key - run  gpg --fingerprint <key>
      * Check signatures of all the binaries using gpg <binary>
  6. Call for a vote in the dev list and wait for 72 hrs. for the vote results. 3 binding votes are necessary for the release to be finalized. example After the vote has passed, move the files from dist dev to dist release: svn mv https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/directmemory/version to https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/directmemory/
  7. Prepare release note. Add a page in src/site/apt/releasenotes/ and change value of <currentRelease> in parent pom.
  8. Send out an announcement of the release to:
    • users@directmemory.apache.org
    • dev@directmemory.apache.org
  9. Celebrate !